Supported Mountain Brook Pose
If you’ve lost touch with the ground you stand on, Salamba Matsyasana invites emotional support and rejuvenated happiness.
With the aid of bolster, blocks, and a blanket, Supported Mountain Brook gently drapes your body in a wave-like form. Much as water trickles over smooth stones, you must allow negative thoughts to flow through your mind.
This restorative yoga pose settles your stomach and the anxious thoughts that keep you awake at night. With daily practice, you will experience an elevated mood, improved digestion, reduced fatigue, and lowered depression.
Child's Pose
Drop the anxiousness, sadness, and fear. Find your way home with Supported Salamba Balasana.
Child’s Pose teaches a better understanding of the importance of breathwork in your practice and how your organs respond to shifting energies in your body.
Allow yourself to fully surrender with Child’s Pose. This pose stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (the lifeline connecting your mind and the rest and digest muscles).
Reclining Bound Angle Pose
Supported Supta Baddha Konasana to decompress from a stress-filled day and relieve insomnia.
Bound Angle Pose is an excellent pose to experience healing heart meditation. Over time, you’ll notice relief from symptoms of stress and mild depression.
Stimulate your heart and improve blood circulation. Deep inhales rise through your collarbone, then melt inward towards your core on the exhale.
Twisted Child’s Pose
Breathe, unwind, and get a good night’s rest with Supported Twisted Salamba Balasana.
The twist in Twisted Child’s Pose opens your entire side body. Upwards from the inner leg, this restorative yoga pose compresses the spine and expands your lung capacity for better breathing. The counter pressure applied to the abdomen stretches your lower back, reducing stress and diminishing fatigue.
Evoke a powerful sense of security and rekindle your internal fire. Ease your way into Twisted Child’s Pose when you are feeling disconnected so you may begin opening your heart for love and compassion.
Legs up the Wall
Take the time to settle deeply into Viparita Karani, a calming pose that provides relief from restlessness, headaches, and anxiety.
In addition to being a holistic remedy for mental health symptoms, Legs up the Wall also promotes blood circulation to the upper body, relieving persistent migraines, and lower back pain.
Viparita Karani translates to “inverted, in-action”. Legs up the Wall Pose inverts the natural actions that happen in our bodies when we sit and stand.

What are the benefits of restorative yoga?
As a result of current social and political events, the average young adult faces difficulty processing and coping with the onset of fear, anxiety, and even PTSD. With guided restorative yoga, you’ll begin look inward to heal, gradually.
Restorative yoga is a calming practice combining sustained, supportive resting poses with meditative stillness to help you relearn the art of relaxation. When paired with traditional talk therapy, restorative yoga helps discover where there is tension in your body when processing psychological, sexual, and emotional trauma.
Restorative yoga reduces the production of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Restorative yoga also improves the function of your immune system, helps with treating insomnia, and increases circulation.
A deep state of relaxation provided by restorative yoga helps to regain a sense of safety within yourself, opening your heart to learn to self soothe. If you have difficulty processing negative relationships, struggle with fear and anxiety, or seek coping skills for PTSD; restorative yoga heals, emotionally and physically.